Avoid Costly Damage to Solar Panels: Essential Maintenance Guide

Updated: 08 Sep 2024


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Solar panels assembled on rooftops enable electricity generation through the sun’s energy. The durability of solar panels ranges from 20 to 25 years but may demoralize earlier. It depends on factors such as how it is done and managed. Problems can also come from the materials used or from the environment around it.
Knowing what causes damage to solar panels is important. This will help you prevent issues and keep your panels working well for many years.

a broken solar panels on a roof
Damage to Solar Panels

The renewable energy industry is growing fast. Protecting your solar investment is key. Some top-quality panels work well for a long time, but others experience issues like slow degradation. Heat, cold, and humidity can lead to panels needing solar panel repair. However, you can take steps to stop this wear and tear. It’s about knowing how to maintain your panels correctly.

Environmental Factors Causing Solar Panel Damage

Solar panels on the roof of a house are not only worst placed in terms of weather but also terms of pollutants, dust, and other types of dirt. Having them designed to withstand harsh weather conditions is enjoyable, but the reality is that they do get degraded with time through these conditions. Specific meteorological conditions are known to have adverse effects on the panel, and some of them include hail storms, heavy snow, high temperatures, and very low temperatures. It’s critical to check them often, especially after rough weather, to fix problems early.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Hail can crack or break the glass that shields solar panels. Too much snow might bend or twist the panel frames. Even really hot or cold weather can harm the panels, making them less efficient. One must always monitor their panels and ensure that once they have any problem, it is rectified on time to avoid affecting their performance.

Dust and Debris Accumulation

Accruals, such as dust, leaves, or bird droppings, can obscure sunlight and affect the solar panels’ functionality. According to research, this decreases the capacity of most of them to make energy. This issue can be prevented by regular cleaning, preferably with a mild brush or a mildly powerful water jet. However, do not remove this from your assembly if your panels are not as efficient in the long run as you want them to be.

Installation and Maintenance Issues

Solar panels require proper installation and regular maintenance, so they must be properly installed. Sometimes, panels are not arranged in the right manner, resulting in insecurity, loose parts, or even facing in the wrong direction.
These issues can affect the panels’ performance and longevity. Always get a skilled and certified pro to install your solar panels correctly.

Inadequate Cleaning Practices

Solar panels must be as clean as possible and free from as many particles as likely to be most effective. Dust and other debris accumulate on the surface of the panels and hinder direct exposure to sunlight, an essential requirement to generate energy. However, it is expected not to apply abrasive materials in cleaning as they will cause abrasion to the layers on the panels. However, it is expected not to apply abrasive materials in cleaning as they will cause abrasion to the layers on the panels. Clean the panels gently with the right cleaning products to keep them efficient and make them last longer.

Lack of Regular Inspections

Regular checks on solar panels are a must. You might avoid signs of problems like lousy wiring or damage with them. Both home checks and professional evaluations can catch these issues early, saving you money in the long run. By quickly fixing any problems found, you can protect your solar investment.

a solar panel on a roof
solar panel repairing
Maintenance RequirementFrequency

Cleaning solar panels
Quarterly or bi-annually
High – Prevents efficiency loss due to dirt and debris buildup

Inspecting for damage
AnnuallyHigh – Helps identify and address issues early to avoid further damage

Checking electrical connections
AnnuallyHigh – Ensures the system is operating safely and efficiently

Updating software/firmware
As needed
Moderate – Keeps inverters and other components up-to-date

Replacing faulty components
As needed
High – Maintains the overall system performance and safety

Electrical and Structural Problems

Solar panels work through a complex electrical system. Problems like lousy wiring or poor connections can cause issues. They might work less efficiently or even fail. Getting regular checks by experts can find and fix these problems early.

Faulty Wiring and Connections

The correct wiring and strong connections are essential for solar panels to work well and safely. If the wiring is terrible or connections are loose, you might see power problems or system failure. It’s essential to have electricians do maintenance checks. It can stop these issues and keep your solar system running long.

Corrosion and Rust

Metal parts of solar panels can get rusted if they are often wet. It can hurt how well the system works and cause electrical problems. It’s important to use parts that don’t rust. Also, doing regular maintenance checks helps keep away corrosion. This way, your system can work well for a long time.

a close up of a solar panel
damage solar panels

Damage from Surrounding Obstructions

Elements around solar panels can harm them. Obstructions such as trees or buildings are often to blame. The shadows these create reduce the solar panel’s efficiency.

Tree Shadows and Overhanging Branches

Trees and tall objects can cast shadows on solar panels. This shadow leaves some cells in the shade, harming them over time and lowering the panel’s power output.
Trimming trees or changing panel positions can help deal with this issue.

Falling Debris

Objects like balls or branches can hit solar panels. Even tools dropped during maintenance can cause harm. To prevent this, place the panels away from these risks. Also, use protective barriers around them.

Damage to Solar Panels from External Factors

Solar panels can be damaged by several outside sources. The main culprits are impact damage and rodent infestations. These can hurt the panels and lower their efficiency.
Things hitting the panels by accident can break them. For example, a ball, a branch, or a falling tool might damage the panels. It can crack the glass or weaken the panel’s structure, hurting its performance and lifespan.
Making sure the panels are in safe spots and adding barriers can protect them. It means putting them where things won’t easily hit them. Also, using fences or nets can keep items away from the panels.

Rodent Infestations

Warm solar panels might attract rodents like mice or squirrels. These critters might chew on the panel’s wires and parts, causing harm.
Checking for rodent signs often and using protective screens can help. The screens stop the pests and protect against damage to solar panels.

Quality of Materials and Manufacturing

Solar panels last longer and work better when made with top-notch materials. It might cost more at the start to buy these from trusted makers. However, you will see better performance, less need for repairs, and they will last longer.
Using suitable materials can prevent solar panels from wearing out early. This could lead to producing less energy and a shorter lifespan. Everything from the silicon in the cells to the protective layers is critical to how well a solar system works.
Good manufacturers stick to high industry standards. They follow the rules of groups like the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or the Photovoltaic Module Quality Testing (PVEL) program. These rules mean the panels are safe, durable, and efficient, which means you can trust them over time.
Both homes and companies benefit by picking solar panels built with care and top materials. They get more from their investment and can power their place with clean energy for many years. Even though they cost more, the savings and the help they provide to the environment are significant reasons to go for it.


Protecting solar panels involves keeping them safe and fixing issues early. We can make them last longer and work better by knowing what can harm them, like bad weather, poor installation, and low-quality parts.
It’s essential to clean the panels often, check for shadows, and have pros look at them. Also, buying good panels from trustworthy brands helps. These steps increase how long panels work and how much energy they make.
With solar power growing, we need to think about how to handle used panels. Recycling old panels lowers their impact on nature and keeps the industry strong. Acting early and focusing on green is vital for the solar energy world. It helps our planet and keeps energy flowing well for the future.


What is the average lifespan of solar panels?

Solar panels last between 20 to 25 years on average.

What are some common causes of solar panel damage?

Several things can damage solar panels. These include the environment, how they’re installed and taken care of, plus electric and structural issues. Damage from things like shadows, weather, and low-quality materials is also common.

How can extreme weather conditions damage solar panels?

Bad weather like hail, heavy snow, and very hot or cold temperatures can harm solar panels. After hard weather, it’s crucial to check them.

How can dust and debris accumulation affect solar panel performance?

Dust, leaves, and bird droppings can stop sunlight from reaching solar panels. This slows them down. To prevent this, clean them gently with a soft brush or hose.

What are the consequences of poor installation practices?

Bad installation, like weak mounts or loose wires, can damage solar panels. It’s best to hire skilled professionals for the job.

How can inadequate cleaning practices damage solar panels?

Using tough materials or strong chemicals to clean can harm solar panels. Always use soft methods and approved cleaners.

Why are regular inspections important for solar panel maintenance?

Regular checks can catch problems early, before they get worse. This helps the panels last longer and work better.

What types of electrical and structural problems can damage solar panels?

Issues like bad wiring or faulty inverters can reduce a solar panel’s efficiency. These problems should be fixed to avoid issues. Moisture that causes rust in the panels’ metal parts is another concern.

How can damage from surrounding obstructions affect solar panel performance?

Shadows from trees or buildings can lower efficiency. Over time, this might damage cells, reducing their power output.

What are some external factors that can damage solar panels?

Things hitting the panels, like balls or falling tools, can physically damage them. Rodents might also damage wires beneath the panels while seeking warmth.

How can the quality of materials and manufacturing affect solar panel lifespan?

Lower-quality materials can make solar panels wear out sooner. It’s better to choose panels from well-known brands to ensure longer life and better performance.

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S.K. Khan

S.K. Khan

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